By dkl9, written 2024-211, revised 2024-212 (1 revisions)
It started in the morning, two days ago. Thinking in default mode, I noticed my ability to quickly anagram the name of Mr Pale Saiyan. (All people mentioned here are real, just pseudonymised.) I came up with at least ten at the time.
When you measure a table with a ruler, the table measures the ruler back. My rapid success was evidence both that this name is very suitable for anagrams, and that I, perhaps abruptly, am good at making anagrams. The former explanation is more accurate, but the latter is the conclusion I favoured.
In my enthusiasm, I had Jade Sand Gin Vows give me another phrase to permute. That one, 28 letters, turned out to be much harder. I made only two of the promised ten anagrams. But the mental contortions involved at this level extended my skills towards madness.
Deep in the night, bored, I started anagramming other names.
I don't need sleep. I need [grapheme permutations].
— Sheldon L. Cooper, approximately
One of the sillier ones was texted to Nice Gray.
they are anagrams?
also why you [sic] awake at 03:08
go to sleep
He thought being up at 03:08 was bad. Ha. My true descent would come over the following day.
I sent anagrams of full names to eight (8) friends the next morning. Pure Goal Man received 20 to 30 variations.
His name was the easiest, tho — 11 well-balanced letters.
At least half of my boredoms thruout the day, I filled with long, effortful, joyous anagramming. The obsession interfered with meditation ... and most everything else, really.
Undertale has a sequel, Deltarune. What could the other sequels be?
Moo Choline Jewel Click's mention of the Bible prompted a new set of titles.
Is this how elite Scrabble players think every day?
I write this while the addiction is still fresh. Perhaps it will wear off in a few days. Until then, I will gladly rearrange almost any letters you give me.